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Seaweed processing Senegal
Impact Story

Seaweed for climate change resilient blue economies, biodiversity and ecosystem services (CLIMALG-SN)

CLIMALG-SN addressed the need for better scientific knowledge of seaweed habitats and species …
Season: 3
Episode: 7

Enabling lasting transformation – Innovation, inclusion, finance

How innovation, inclusion and finance should be linked to upscale sustainability transformation. …
Region: Atlantic Ocean, Western Indian Ocean

MeerWissen – Promo Video

This video promotes MeerWissen to build strong partnerships for marine science that matters. …
Region: Atlantic Ocean, Western Indian Ocean
Screenshot 2023-07-05 145001
Impact Story


INDUCE focuses on assessing the functional diversity of commercially valuable fish species in …
Region: Atlantic Ocean
People and boats at the coast of Zanzibar
Impact Story

New Digital Technologies for Marine Biodiversity Data Handling in East Africa – Data Linking People (NeDiT)

NeDiT aims to improve the handling of marine biodiversity data and facilitate policymaking …
Region: East Africa, Tanzania
NaMares Impact Storie
Impact Story

Scientific Knowledge Base for MSP in Namibia (NAMares)

NAMares was established to support the marine spatial planning process in Namibia, aiming …
Impact Story

Coastal Ecosystem Monitoring in Cabo Verde (CEM-CV)

Artisanal fisheries are crucial for the livelihoods of coastal communities in East Africa. …
Podcast Episode 6
Season: 3
Episode: 6

The hidden power of sustainable small-scale fisheries

Key opportunities and challenges for biodiversity conservation in the ocean …
Region: Atlantic Ocean, Western Indian Ocean
Season: 3
Episode: 5

Empowering local communities: Co-designing Nature-based Solutions in Ghana

How can NbS empower local communities to build resilience to coastal hazards and …
Region: Atlantic Ocean, Ghana
Podcast Episode 4
Season: 3
Episode: 4

The ocean-climate nexus

Key opportunities and challenges for biodiversity conservation in the ocean …
Region: Atlantic Ocean, Western Indian Ocean
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Season: 3
Episode: 3

Marine Protected Areas and Other Effective Conservation Measures

Taking stock and looking ahead …
Region: South Africa, Zanzibar
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Season: 3
Episode: 2

The value of local and indigenous knowledge for better ocean management

How a diversity of knowledge can benefit society and the marine environment …
Region: Atlantic Ocean, Western Indian Ocean
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Season: 3
Episode: 1

Towards a sustainable ocean economy

A pipedream or real opportunity for transformation? …
Region: Western Indian Ocean
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Season: 2
Episode: 15

Solutions basées sur les connaissances pour favoriser une économie bleue durable en Afrique de l’Ouest

Enseignements de l’Afrique de l’Ouest …
Region: Western Indian Ocean
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bonus Episode

Early Career Ocean Professionals: What ocean science for sustainable development?

African visions of the ocean science we need for the oceans we want …
Region: Atlantic Ocean, Western Indian Ocean

Vision 2030 – The Future of Ocean Conservation

George Rushingisha has returned from Mozambique to his workplace at the Tanzania Fisheries …
Region: Western Indian Ocean
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Season: 2
Episode: 14

A new global biodiversity framework: What place for the ocean?

Key opportunities and challenges for biodiversity conservation in the ocean …
Region: Atlantic Ocean, Western Indian Ocean
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Season: 2
Episode: 13

Marine spatial planning and the 30 × 30 goal

How can we reconcile blue growth and the protection of biodiversity? …
Region: Atlantic Ocean
Impact Story


CoastWise is developing new data and methods for coastal assessment and planning supporting …
Region: Western Indian Ocean

Science to Policy in the WIO Region

The UN Ocean Decade is shining the spotlight on the need for evidence-based …
Region: Western Indian Ocean

The MeerWissen initiative

This video promotes the core of the initiative: establish scientific cross-regional “partnerships of …
Region: Atlantic Ocean, Western Indian Ocean
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Season: 2
Episode: 12

Blue Nature-Based Solutions in the Western Indian Ocean Region

The role of science, policy and practice …
Region: Western Indian Ocean

How to protect our ocean (if money weren’t an issue)

We have asked marine scientists: If money weren’t an issue, what would you …
Region: Atlantic Ocean, Western Indian Ocean
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Season: 2
Episode: 11

Ocean governance and integrated ocean management in the WIO region

With a specific focus on the Nairobi Convention …
Region: Western Indian Ocean

Co-Design in WIOGEN

Co-design aims to create a space where scientists and non-academic stakeholders work together, …
Region: Western Indian Ocean
Impact Story

Fishing Data East Africa (FiDEA)

Artisanal fisheries are crucial for the livelihoods of coastal communities in East Africa. …
Region: Western Indian Ocean
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Season: 2
Episode: 10

Two Perspectives on Scientific Data for Decision Making

Experiences from Tanzania and Zanzibar …
Region: Tanzania, Zanzibar
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Season: 1
Episode: 9

From Data to Decision – Bridging the Science-Policy interface

Region: Atlantic Ocean, Western Indian Ocean
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Season: 1
Episode: 8

The Ocean Decade in a nutshell — an insider’s account

Region: Atlantic Ocean, Western Indian Ocean
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Season: 1
Episode: 7

Seaweeds: The hidden champions of coastal ecosytems

Region: Western Indian Ocean
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Season: 2
Episode: 6

Taking the PULSE of the ocean

Closing the loop from data to knowledge to action and back to data …
Region: Senegal, Western Indian Ocean
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Season: 1
Episode: 5

Improving Ocean Governance through informal networks

Region: South Africa, Western Indian Ocean
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Season: 1
Episode: 4

Biodiversity conservation and the private sector in Mauritania

How an unusual alliance aims to better protect Maritania’s precious ecosystems …
Region: Atlantic Ocean, Mauritania
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Season: 1
Episode: 3

Integrated management at the land-sea interface

Region: Atlantic Ocean, Western Indian Ocean
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Season: 1
Episode: 2

Sustainable Fisheries Management in East-Africa

Region: Tanzania
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Season: 1
Episode: 1

Our Ocean and Coasts in COVID-19

Region: Atlantic Ocean
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