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Seaweed processing Senegal
Impact Story

Seaweed for climate change resilient blue economies, biodiversity and ecosystem services (CLIMALG-SN)

CLIMALG-SN addressed the need for better scientific knowledge of seaweed habitats and species …
Screenshot 2023-07-05 145001
Impact Story


INDUCE focuses on assessing the functional diversity of commercially valuable fish species in …
Region: Atlantic Ocean
People and boats at the coast of Zanzibar
Impact Story

New Digital Technologies for Marine Biodiversity Data Handling in East Africa – Data Linking People (NeDiT)

NeDiT aims to improve the handling of marine biodiversity data and facilitate policymaking …
Region: East Africa, Tanzania
NaMares Impact Storie
Impact Story

Scientific Knowledge Base for MSP in Namibia (NAMares)

NAMares was established to support the marine spatial planning process in Namibia, aiming …
Impact Story

Coastal Ecosystem Monitoring in Cabo Verde (CEM-CV)

Artisanal fisheries are crucial for the livelihoods of coastal communities in East Africa. …
Impact Story


CoastWise is developing new data and methods for coastal assessment and planning supporting …
Region: Western Indian Ocean
Impact Story

Fishing Data East Africa (FiDEA)

Artisanal fisheries are crucial for the livelihoods of coastal communities in East Africa. …
Region: Western Indian Ocean
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