
Prof Antonio Carlos Marques

Current affiliation

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Prof Antonio Carlos Marques
Research interests
  • Marine Biodiversity
  • Marine Conservation
  • Marine Ecology and Evolution
  • Species diversity and invasive species

Antonio Carlos Marques holds a PhD in Zoology and is currently a Full Professor at the University of São Paulo (USP) and Research Associate of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). His research focus is on marine biodiversity and conservation, investigating patterns and processes of origination and extinction of the marine biota in broad spatial (local to world) and temporal (fossil to extant species) scales, and integrating these data with marine policies seeking to promote well-being and the sustainable use of marine natural resources. He already worked on academic and managing responsibilities encompassing intellectual property generated at USP and it’s licensing/transference to the society, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship formation among USP’s faculties and students, coordinating programs of formation of Masters and Doctors, and supervising the management of the four incubators of the University of São Paulo, among other tasks. He is present part of the Management Team of Social Assistance of USP, responsible for maintenance conditions for the academic development of 90,000 undergrad and grad students.

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