Publication title

Fostering Marine Biodversity Data Sharing for Decision-Making in the Western Indian Ocean Region

Publication abstract

This policy brief informs decision-makers about the benefits of effective marine biodiversity data sharing and proposes measures to encourage and improve sharing among stakeholders. The oceans and coastal areas in Eastern African countries are home to an abundance of marine biodiversity, with immense ecological and socioeconomic value. Stakeholders have varying interests concerning shared ecosystems. Transboundary conservation goals and harmonised coastal management strategies are of great value to sustain ecological services for future generations and to address potential conflicts about spatial use. For sound coastal governance, decision-makers require access to accurate, current, and comprehensive data on the status of marine biodiversity, to act on pressing environmental issues. However, marine biodiversity data may only be partially available due to a multiplicity of reasons, including inaccessibility of unpublished or restricted data, dispersed storage locations, or a general research gap. Under these circumstances, effective data sharing is a most important issue and should be prioritized by policymakers and entities involved in research. Our recommendations are based on the outcomes of several expert workshops, qualitative interviews, and the extensive experience of involved partners in East Africa.

Leibnitz Center for Tropical Marine Research
Publication type
Policy brief
Publication date

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