bonus Episode

Early Career Ocean Professionals: What ocean science for sustainable development?

Let’s talk science! “We need collaborative science that is focused on real action”. One voice – one vision. To mark World Oceans Day 2023, a special episode of the MeerWissen podcast Ocean InSight looks at how Early Career Ocean Professionals in 5 African countries envision ocean science for sustainable development in the future. Yaw Atiglo, Ndeye Bousso, Kaijage Laurian, Thando Mazomba, and Rendani Ndanduleni Ivy Malwela share what drew them to careers in ocean science and what challenges and opportunities they perceive for unlocking the science we need for the ocean we want.  The next generation of ocean professionals needs to be empowered to ensure its long-lasting success beyond 2030.

The discussion revolves around opportunities and prerequisites for successful marine conservation, and covers topics like the sustainable use of marine resources and the empowerment of indigenous and small communities.  

In the light of this year’s World Oceans Day motto “Planet Ocean: Tides are changing”, be inspired by young voices from South Africa, Senegal, Ghana, and Tanzania and hear how they envision ocean science in the future.

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Early Career Ocean Professionals: What ocean science for sustainable development?

African visions of the ocean science we need for the oceans we want …
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