Season: 1
Episode: 4

Biodiversity conservation and the private sector in Mauritania

A new episode of the Ocean InSight podcast is officially online across the web. Join the hosts of OceanInSight Paul Tuda and Hauke Kegler to the western side of the African continent and learn about the unexpected alliance formed to protect the largest cold-water coral reef in the world, off the Mauritanian coast. In this episode, Sandra Kloff from the non-governmental organization Nature Mauritanie and Professor André Freiwald from the research institute Senckenberg am Meer give a comprehensive look at various human-induced threats to the famous Banc d’Arguin National Park, Africa’s largest marine protected area. They also contemplate the different solutions that are being developed with key stakeholders in the region, such as the multinational oil and gas company BP, to protect this vulnerable marine ecosystem. Kloff and Freiwald are two of the many people behind the MeerWissen partnership project West African Biodiversity under Pressure (WASP). This project facilitates the mainstreaming of biodiversity protection into the management of the fisheries sector, the Oil & Gas industry and Protected Areas policies.

Ocean InSight is a podcast series on marine conservation and ocean science for sustainable development, with unique perspectives from those on the frontlines of research, policy and action.

Related Insight

Podcast Image

Biodiversity conservation and the private sector in Mauritania

How an unusual alliance aims to better protect Maritania’s precious ecosystems …

Related Partnership Projects

Project WASP Mauritania

WASP West African Biodiversity under Pressure

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