NeDiT - Data Linking People


Project duration
March 2019 to October 2020

project summary

This Partnership Project, implemented by Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) in cooperation with the Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of Dar es Salam (IMS), aims to support the use of new and innovative digital technologies for policy-making in marine resource management in Eastern Africa. The overall objective is to provide information for improved handling of biodiversity data in East Africa, which includes providing and assessing as well as communicating data.

A focus of the project is on integrating data, in addition to raising awareness and capacities for exchange of data, building on existing experience. In doing so, the project will bring together stakeholders involved in marine biodiversity data handling to form a networking group, compile the most relevant data bases and assess the experience in sustainable data handling and sharing. Furthermore, the project will evaluate how new and innovative digital technologies can contribute to advanced integration of data from different sources and their overarching analysis.

Resulting from this partnership project, actors in the region will have an overview on experiences and lessons learned in applying new data technologies in East Africa and beyond. Consequently, capacities for data handling are strengthened and proposals for initiatives to implement new data technologies are developed.

Policy-makers are part of this work and have a better overview on new digital technologies, biodiversity data bases and can use the project’s policy recommendations on improving the handling of marine biodiversity data for relevant policy decisions. Thanks to the partnership project as well as the collaborative approach bringing together scientists and policy-makers, the project contributes to the sustainable management of coastal biodiversity and resources in East Africa.


Improved handling of biodiversity data in East Africa

Compiling information on existing data bases and handling of marine biodiversity data in Kenya and Tanzania

Supporting the use of new innovative digital technologies

Integrating data, building capacities for data handling and awareness for data exchange

Providing policy proposals including recommendations for handling marine biodiversity data

areas of work

Knowledge base & information needs assessment

  • Develop an overview of the most relevant data providers, repositories, data sources.
  • Assess stakeholders’ information needs and requirements
  • Evaluate the current status of coastal biodiversity data handling in a baseline report.

Awareness raising

  • Jointly develop recommendations for activities to enhance data sharing in the region.
  • Inform on open and FAIR data principles.
  • Provide material and information to support data exchange on the website.

Exchange of experiences

  • Initiate and manage a working group linking relevant actors with the aim of identifying best practices in working with marine biodiversity data for policy- making and management.
  • Jointly develop concrete ideas to implement new digital technologies, and exchanging and integrating data.

Capacity building

  • Design training material tailored to the handling of biodiversity data and disseminate in a pilot training course.
  • Share factsheets and a toolbox on the website, in newsletters and through social media channels.

New digital tools

  • Compile best practice examples of using new digital tools for data handling and sharing them via factsheets.
  • Develop a toolbox describing available new digital tools and how they can be adapted for marine biodiversity data.

Policy advice

  • Develop policy briefs on the handling of marine biodiversity data geared towards the regional perspective.
  • Develop a report with recommendations and a draft action plan for a long-lasting strategy for improved biodiversity data handling and sharing.
  • Disseminate activities and results on the website and through social media.


Institute of Marine Sciences – University of Dar es Salaam

Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT)

Links & resources