Season: 1
Episode: 2

Sustainable Fisheries Management in East Africa

Welcome to the second episode of the Ocean InSight podcast – a podcast series on marine conservation and ocean science for sustainable development, with unique perspectives from those on the frontlines of research, policy and action.  

In the second episode, George Rushingisha from the Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute sheds light on the issues from a local perspective, gives insights into the Fishing Data East Africa (FIDEA) Project in Mozambique, Tanzania and Zanzibar and points out the challenges in data aggregation related to COVID-19. 

Artisanal fisheries are crucial for the livelihoods of coastal communities in East Africa. Overexploitation and destructive fishing activities, however, harm the coastal and marine ecosystems and the lack of data and a sustainable management endanger the use of traditional fishery practices. Rushingisha reflects on, among others, the following questions: How can fishery data management help to establish a sustainable fisheries management on a local and national level? Which stakeholders are involved, and how are scientific findings translated into political actions?  

Related Insight

Podcast Image

Sustainable Fisheries Management in East-Africa

Related Partnership Projects

FIDEA Partnership Project East Africa
Mozambique| Tanzania| Zanzibar

FIDEA Fishing Data East Africa

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