Meerwissen Co-Design Workshop

Successful MeerWissen Co-Design Workshop

Under the topic of “Strengthening Marine Biodiversity Conservation in Sustainable Blue Economy Approaches” a second call for proposals was initiated in mid-2019. Out of the submitted concept notes, seven project ideas with activities planned in nine countries were invited to develop a full proposal and join a Co-Design Workshop from 2nd – 5th December 2019. The Co-Design Workshop was held in Hamburg and brought together around 30 scientists from several African and German research institutions. During the three days, the seven partnerships presented and discussed their projects with fellow participants, strengthened their partnerships and elaborated the concepts jointly towards a successful MeerWissen proposal. In addition, the workshop aimed at discovering synergies between the projects, created connections between all participants and explored options for future exchange. 

End of January 2020, the full proposals will be submitted to MeerWissen and after successful evaluation, the projects can start in April. 

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