The 12th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium is coming up and MeerWissen is attending as well! Come and join us for a special session on how marine science is transformed through co-design on 14 October (14:00–17:15 h) or learn more about the MeerWissen initiative and its projects at our booth in the exhibition hall.
In recent years Co-design has been widely accepted as a key element for transdisciplinary and transformative research. Effective science-policy transfer and knowledge-based decisionmaking benefit from solution-oriented research objectives, tailor-made approaches, and the shared ownership of research findings by a range of stakeholders, including scientists, decision makers and local communities. Co-design therefore involves iterative stakeholder engagement with the aim of co-creating, co-producing, and co-disseminating research. This participatory process promises great opportunities for managing environmental and social challenges, it does however bear its own challenges.
The special session at the WIOMSA Symposium promotes the need for a transformation of ocean science. Scientists, policymakers, and local community members who have pioneered Co-design in the WIO region, will share their insights and experiences and highlight lessons learned, thus answering the question: How is marine research transformed through Co-design?
In the session, the MeerWissen Initiative, the UN Ocean Decade (IOC UNESCO) and WIOMSA will share guidance, practice tools, and trainings on how to integrate Co-design in marine research. In the subsequent workshop, participants will identify needs and make recommendations to improve science-policy transfer through Co-design. Join this interactive and lively session and shape a future of marine science that matters.
We can’t wait to meet you at the session or have a little chat at the MeerWissen booth.