WIOGEN is all about connecting people and forming a network of experts around the Western Indian Ocean region who can share experiences and generate knowledge. COVID-19 has changed the landscape of how people network and make connections – conferences are postponed, and meetings have migrated online. WIOGEN introduces the network to some of the exciting individuals in the region and share twelve inspirational people who are passionate about improving conservation and knowledge in the Western Indian Ocean region.
In May WIOGEN highlighted one Women in Science each week, and through June and July the network showcased “Early Career Researchers”. In the absence of face-to-face engagements, WIOGEN highlights the work being done in the region to spread some inspiration by sharing the enthusiasm of its celebrity scientists.
To get to know these passionate scientists a little better, WIOGEN snuck in some questions about their secret talents – from cooking to dancing to photography and lighting a Zippo with one hand. The answers show that the WIOGEN network is full of diverse, talented and interesting people, thus the Western Indian Ocean’s future is in good hands. To get some insight to their personalities visit their interview responses online or get in touch with them directly.
WIOGEN has decided to take its training online. The WIOGEN network sees this as an opportunity to reach a wider audience and create training material that will be available after the project. WIOGEN has delayed the Scientific Exchanges Missions as a result of travel restrictions, but applications will be open soon so that the organisation of some networking opportunities can start in early 2021.