Season: 1
Episode: 1

A new podcast on marine conservation and science for sustainable development

Welcome to Ocean InSight – a new podcast series on marine conservation and ocean science for sustainable development, with unique perspectives from those on the frontlines of research, policy and action. Join us on a trip to Africa’s ocean and coasts as we unpack the complex scientific questions that will determine the fate of millions of people in the African partner countries. Meet inspiring experts and pioneers working on sustainable blue economy, marine spatial planning, accessible oceanic and coastal data and many more. Our guests will be taking us from Mauretania via Tanzania to South Africa. Tune in to accelerate the science-policy uptake for the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean. 

Ocean science, marine conservation and COVID-19
In the first episode, Dr. David Obura puts into perspective what has been on everyone’s mind for the last few months and evaluates how it affected marine science and conservation: the COVID-19 pandemic.

As Founding Director of CORDIO East Africa, a knowledge organization supporting sustainability of coral reef and marine systems in the Western Indian Ocean, Obura reflects on, among others, the following questions: How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the work of African research institutes and small marine conservation organisations? What strategies have coastal communities in the Western Indian Ocean Region developed to sustain nature protection and food production despite strict lockdowns? How can the global sustainable development goals (SDGs) be applied on a local scale to support recovery from the COVID19-pandemic?

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Our Ocean and Coasts in COVID-19

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