Season: 2
Episode: 12

Blue Nature-Based Solutions in the Western Indian Ocean Region

Hosted by:

Kira Gee (Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon), Alison Clausen (IOC)


Paubert Mahatante (Minister in Madagascar), Arthur Tuda (WIOMSA)

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Ocean InSight by MeerWissen
Ocean InSight by MeerWissen
Blue Nature-Based Solutions in the Western Indian Ocean Region

The role of science, policy and practice

Blue nature-based solutions are being discussed worldwide as an innovative approach to mitigating climate change. But what exactly are nature-based solutions, and what support is needed from science, policy and practice to implement them? In this episode of Ocean Insight, Paubert Mahatante, Minister of Fisheries and the Blue Economy in Madagascar, and Arthur Tuda, Executive Secretary of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), give examples of blue nature-based solutions in the WIO. They discuss what sets this approach apart from traditional conservation and how it can support communities in becoming more resilient.

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